<aside> ⚡ Dexter is launching a redesign of the Buy/Sell Panel. To ensure the new redesign works as expected, we are conducting user tests. If you would like to test (approximately 10-20 min time comitment), please DM @dctsdev on Telegram.



Below is a comparison of the old and new UI to create orders on Dexter. Your task will be to test the new UI by creating some orders using the radix testnet stokenet, and ensuring everything works as expected.

Old UI

Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-29 um 17.53.46.png

New UI 🔥

Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-29 um 17.46.02.png

How to test:

<aside> ⚡ Before testing, please dm @dctsdev on Telegram or send a message inside Dexter Telegram group and tag @dctsdev. Once confirmed, you can start testing following the below instructions:


  1. Setup radix wallet and connect to testnet by following this guide: https://dexter-on-radix.gitbook.io/dexter/stokenet-testing/setup

  2. Get test XRD tokens:

    Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-29 um 18.47.05.png

  3. Enable Developer Mode in the App Settings

    Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-29 um 19.44.56.png

  4. Navigate to this version of Dexter, that has the new UI implemented: https://buy-sell-panel.dexter-1we.pages.dev/

  5. Login with your testnet account and create the following orders. Since you will only have XRD at the beginning, be sure to create the orders in this exact ordering:

    1. Market BUY DEXTR by spending 5000 XRD
    2. Market SELL 5 DEXTR
    3. Limit BUY 10 DEXTR
    4. Limit SELL 10 DEXTR
  6. Report any bugs or unexpected behavior to @dctsdev on Telegram. A bounty of 100 DEXTR will be payed out per bug reported (this only applies to severe bugs, UI bugs will not be eligable to get bounties).

Once done, you should have a total of 5 transactions on your testnet wallet (getting 10k XRD testtokens + 4 transactions for each order type)

Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-29 um 22.39.43.png

And your transaction history (Order History) should now have 4 rows:

Bildschirmfoto 2024-04-29 um 22.30.05.png