<aside> 💡 This is a quick overview of all bigger developments currently happening at DeXter. As a decentralized project without a formal team, DeXter has no top-down roadmap. Instead, various contributors are driving different features forward.


<aside> ⚠️ Note: Ongoing improvements to the existing platform aren't listed, as they're not part of a roadmap but rather continues development. If you are interested in seeing what is being worked on, please check github issues or discord discussions.


Upcoming Features

<aside> 💡 These community-decided features are either in development or planned.



Currently Ongoing Proposals / Discussions

<aside> 💡 These features are in early development, and many may not materialize. DeXter is an evolving organism, exploring and discarding ideas along the way. If you support an idea, consider contributing to increase its chances of success.
